It's 2012...not quite sure how we got here, but one thing is for sure - with the new year comes the promise of many people's resolutions. This year, I'd like to not just make resolutions, but continue what is already in motion and to modify those that were not.
1. Take more pictures. Ok, that's a bit of a stretch as I am a photography hog. To date I have nothing short of 10,000 (not including those I've deleted!) photos of my Little Lovebug (and he's only 17 months!) My resolution is simply to continue capturing his little moments on tape.
2. Video tape more. This one I need a little help in! Even though my Little Lovebug's first year video is an edited masterpiece (huge pat on the back for my first DVD!) this year I've slacked. I'm just not a fan, really, is all it comes down too. The shakiness, the quality and above all I find that video doesn't really capture the memory or the moment the way a still camera does. However, I know as the years go by I will regret it if I don't video tape...after all, how much do I LOVE looking back at my old childhood/vacation videos that my dad always took of my siblings and I.
3. Reserve an hour every night for family time. This means electronic free, unless it's music or songs for my Little Lovebug's benefit. This time should be used for playing with him, singing, reading, talking and just being with each other.
4. Healthy, healthy, healthy. This goes for both food and activity. I only put good things into my Little Lovebug, so why wouldn't I want those same things in Big Daddy Lovebug and my body? Healthy snacks, walks, exercise, vitamin every day - I want to be a good role model for my Little Lovebug. He will learn what we do. Which brings me to number 5.
5. Watch your language please! I can't control those words and sounds he hears from people on the street when I take him for a walk. However, I seriously need to curb my mouth. It's tough when you live in a city such as NY. I can't even leave my house without seeing garbage on my steps. !@#$%? The car that just cut in front of me? !@#$%? How about that lady in the supermarket who knocks us over trying to beat us on line? !@#$%? A stubbed toe? !@#$%? The pee all over the seat in the bathroom where I have to go and change his diaper? !@#$%? I hate it, I do. People suck. And slip ups are bound to happen. I just don't want it to be a part of my regular vocabulary. Working on a new outlet may take some time...
6. Lose weight. Oh, come on now - like you seriously thought that wasn't going to be a goal of mine? This ties into #4 - healthy, more important than anything. I would like to lose a good 10 pounds before I turn 30 in April, that Disney Cruise in August? Just the motivation I need!
7. Save moolah! Well, it'd be nice...
8. Cut the fuse. Maybe, just maybe it's not necessary to blow up at the littlest thing. I find myself saying to my Little Lovebug "Just relax, it's ok - you're safe when you're with me." I should channel that idea and tell myself "Just relax! Stop sweating the small stuff!"
9. Start thinking about the future. Uggg...I HATE being a grown up...making decisions...blah, blah, blah...I couldn't even decide what I wanted for lunch today! I do have 2 very large decisions to start thinking about...not really looking forward to either one!!!
10. Keep going green. Recycle. Reuse. I'm usually pretty good, but I have the tendency to slack sometimes (don't we all!) We all need to continue saving the earth, one step at a time. After all, it's not just my earth anymore. It's my Little Lovebug's too...
11. Stop the morning madness! My morning routine can be defined as a whirlwind destructive force. Not really sure why (can't possibly be because I hit the snooze button 3 times...) but by the time I get around to getting showered, finding clothes, straightening up, packing my bag, packing my lunch, waking up my Little Lovebug, changing him, brushing our teeth, feeding him, finding my keys (which I never can seem to do...), bring him to whoever is watching him...and if I don't hit traffic, I'm usually exactly on time, which wouldn't be so bad, except that every clock at my job is 5 minutes fast! Last night I made every effort to make sure everything was packed in advance. I was at work 10 minutes early and I didn't go cuckoo bananas! Progress!
12. Relax, just relax...yea, I know I said that one already... (but having an odd number of resolutions bothered the OCD in me...although I was thinking about learning a new instrument this year...or language...or maybe CPR... :)
New Year's Eve at Peppe's in the Poconos |
My Little Lovebug Modeling on New Year's Day |